10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
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2007 Spring Flower Bulbs
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FS = At least flowering size.
cm = Centimeters in circumference; flowering size.
AGM = Award of Garden Merit, Royal Horticultural Society

TULBAGHIA - (Alliaceae) Society Garlic. Zone 7-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
TULBAGHIA fragrans FS imageRosy-violet. 1  $ 4.45 
TULBAGHIA fragrans 'Alba' FS imageFlowers in umbels of 20 to 40, deep mauve to bright lilac, 3/8-1/2 inch across. Fragrance sweet, hyacinth-like, unlike of the garlicy odour of T. violacea. Leaves narrowly linear, to 6 inches long. Ht. 12-24 inches. Early spring-flowering. Tender.  1  $ 5.95 
TULBAGHIA violacea FS imageWhite form. 3  $ 5.45 
TULBAGHIA violacea 'Silver Lace' FS imageUmbels with 10 to 20 flowers, bright lilac with yellow center, perianth lobes to 3/4 inch long. Leaves narrowly linear, to 10 inches long, glaucous. Ht. 12-24 inches. Semi-hardy. 1  $ 5.95 
UVULARIA - (Liliaceae) Large Bellwort. Herbaceous perennial. Zone(s) 4-9.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
UVULARIA grandiflora FS imageYellow. 1  $ 5.95 
WATSONIA - (Iridaceae) Bugle Lily. Zone 9-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
WATSONIA aletroides 5/6cm imageFlowers tubular, 1-2 in. long, salmon orange to more common dark tomato red, spring. 6  $ 6.45 
WATSONIA meriana 'Bulbillifera' 10/11cm imageUp to 5 feet high, has few but larger orange flowers than W. meriana; produces bulbils in axils of bracts and stem leaves.  6  $ 6.95 
ZANTEDESCHIA - (Araceae) Calla Lily. Zone 9-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ZANTEDESCHIA aethiopica 12/14cm imageCalla Lily, White Arum. Spathe white, creamy at base within, 2 3/4-10 inches long, with recurved margins. Spadix yellow. Leaves sagittate, twice as long as broad, dark green, unspotted, long stalked. Ht. 24-32 inches. Tender. AGM. 1  $ 4.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA aethiopica 'Green Goddess' 14/16cm imageSpathe large, green marked white. Leaves dull green, unspotted, to 16 inches. Ht. to 3 feet. Tender. 1  $ 6.95 
ZANTEDESCHIA aethiopica 'Pink Mist' 12/14cm imageSoft pink. 1  $ 7.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA albomaculata 12/14cm imageSpathe greenish-white, trumpet-shaped, about 2 inches wide, crimson in the throat, to 4 3/4 inches long. Leaves sagittate, 12-18 inches long and 2 3/4-6 inches wide, with oblong, white, translucent spots all over. Ht. 20-28 inches. Tender. 1  $ 2.95 
ZANTEDESCHIA elliottiana 12/14cm imageSpathe bright golden-yellow, duller outside, 6 inches long, without dark throat. Leaves broadly ovate with many translucent white blotches, to 10 inches long. Ht. 30-36 inches. Summer-flowering. Tender. AGM. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA rehmannii 12/14cm imageThe spathe is variable in color from white through shades of pink, becoming more intense if the soil is rather acid. Spadix yellow. Leaves lanceolate, with tapered base, 8-16 inches long, spotted light green or white. Ht. 8-16 inches. Summer-flowering. Tender. AGM. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Anneke' 12/14cm imageSpathe lavender-rose. 1  $ 6.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Black Eyed Beauty' 12/14cm imageSpathe chartreuse-green, inside sap-green, with dark indian-lake blotch in center. Spadix lemon-yellow. Leaves sagittate, heavily mottled. Stem 12-16 inches. Summer-flowering. 1  $ 2.95 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Black Magic' 12/14cm imageSpathe clear yellow, throat black. Leaves cordate, heavily mottled. Stem to 30 inches. Summer-flowering. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Cameo' 12/14cm imageSpathe straw-yellow, inside rhodonite-red, to the edges changing into primrose-yellow, in the throat a dark indian-lake blotch. Spadix lemon-yellow. Leaves cordate, heavily mottled. Stem 28-32 inches. Summer-flowering. 1  $ 4.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Celeste' 12/14cm Carmine red.  1  $ 4.95 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Crystal Blush' 14/+cm imageWhite. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Flame' 12/14cm imageYellow, flecked red, turning deeper red. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Florex Gold' 12/14cm imageGolden yellow. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Galaxy' 12/14cm imagePurple. 1  $ 5.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Harvest Moon' 12/14cm imageClear pale yellow flowers. 1  $ 5.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Majestic Red' 12/14cm imageRich, Deep Red. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Mango' 12/14cm imageSpathe orange-red. Leaves roundish, heavily spotted. Ht. 16-24 inches. Summer. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Pink Persuasion' 12/14cm imageLarge, rosy-pink flowers with yellowish tints. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Rubylite Rose'® 12/14cm imageDark pink. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Schwarzwalder'® 14/+cm imageDark, maroon-black flowers. 1  $ 5.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Solfatare' 12/14cm imageSpathe sulphur-yellow, with black blotch in the throat. Leaves heavily mottled. Ht. 24-32 inches. 1  $ 4.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA 'Treasure 12/14cm imageCoral red and orange. 1  $ 3.45 
ZANTEDESCHIA Mixed Hybrids 12/14cm Mixture of colors.  1  $ 3.45 
ZEPHYRANTHES - (Amaryllidaceae) Rain or Zephyr Lily. Zone 6-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ZEPHYRANTHES candida 5/6cm imageFlowers pure white, funnel-shaped, 2 inches long. Leaves linear, 8-12 inches long, more or less evergreen. Ht. 12-18 inches. Semi-hardy. 15  $ 6.45 
ZEPHYRANTHES citrina (sulphurea hort.) FS imageFlowers golden-yellow, funnel-shaped. Segments 1 3/8 x 1/2 inch. Leaves linear, 3 to 4, channelled. Ht. 4-5 inches. Tender. 6  $ 3.95 
ZEPHYRANTHES rosea FS imageFlowers rose-pink with a greenish base, opening out to 1 1/8 inches in diameter. Leaves strap-shaped, to 8 inches long and 1/4 inch wide. Ht. 6 inches. Tender. 15  $ 7.95 
ZIGADENUS - (Liliaceae) Nuttall's Death Camas. Zone(s) 6-9.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ZIGADENUS nuttallii FS imageYellowish-white. 1  $ 14.45 

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