10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
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2007 Spring Flower Bulbs
Special Order

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When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

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= Gallery View. Clicking on this symbol in the descriptions will open a Gallery thumbnail view of the described product. This view is of all items in the gallery, some of which may not be for sale. If the feature does not function properly in your browser, please visit the Gallery and enter the appropriate search term to view available images.

FS = At least flowering size.
cm = Centimeters in circumference; flowering size.
AGM = Award of Garden Merit, Royal Horticultural Society

CHASMANTHE - (Iridaceae) Flames. Zone 10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CHASMANTHE floribunda FS imageAs many as 30 orange-red flowers w/yellow stripe per 4 foot stem. 1  $ 6.45 
CHASMANTHE floribunda var. duckittii FS imageTall, majestic plant with many-flowered, branched spike. Positioning of the tubular, hooded flowers in two distinct rows, like in C. bicolor. Flowers yellow. Leaves 8-10, up to 20 inches long and 1 1/8 inches wide, forming a fan. Ht. 3-5 feet. Tender.  1  $ 6.45 
CHLIDANTHUS  - (Amaryllidaceae) Delicate Lily. Zone 9b-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CHLIDANTHUS  fragrans 12/+cm imageVery attractive flowers, chrome-yellow, fragrant, several in an umbel, almost sessile. Perianth tube 2 1/2-3 inches long, with spreading lobes. Leaves strap-shaped, glaucous. Ht. 8-12 inches. Tender. 3  $ 4.95 
CONVALLARIA  - (Convallariaceae) Lily of the Valley. Zone 2-7.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CONVALLARIA  majalis FS imageLily of the Valley. From gardens. Ht. of flowers 12-18 inches. AGM. 3  $ 5.45 
CONVALLARIA  majalis 'Hardwick Hall' FS imageWhite. 1  $ 8.95 
CONVALLARIA  majalis 'Rosea' FS imageA historical cultivar with elegant racemes of deep pink flowers. Ht. 4-8 inches. 1  $ 6.45 
CONVALLARIA  transcaucascia FS White.  1  $ 7.95 
CRINUM - (Amaryllidaceae) Milk & Wine Lily. Zone 7-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CRINUM amoenum 13/+cm imageTube greenish, tepal lobes white borne in summer. Stems to 24 inches. 1  $ 3.45 
CRINUM moorei FS imageFlowers 5 to 10 in an umbel, white with faint red flush, funnel-shaped, opening out 12-18 inches across. Tube 3-4 inches long, greenish. Leaves 12 or more, strap-shaped, up to 4 inches wide. Ht. 18-24 inches. Tender. 1  $ 7.45 
CRINUM moorei 'Album' FS imageLarge white. 1  $ 5.95 
CRINUM xpowellii 24/+cm imageHybrid of C. bulbispermum (N.L. Burm.) and C. moorei. Umbel with 5-10 trumpet-shaped pink flowers, 4 inches across, perianth tube curved. Leaves about 20, up to 3 feet long and much to the liking of snails! Ht. 20-24 inches. Hardier than both parents. AGM.  1  $ 5.95 
CRINUM xpowellii 'Album' 24/+cm imageReference above with pure white flowers. 1  $ 5.95 
CRINUM 'Ellen Bousanquet FS imageRosy-red. 1  $ 5.45 
CROCOSMIA - (Iridaceae) Monbretia. Zone 5-8.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CROCOSMIA masonorum 10/+cm image(large flowered) Arching panicles with a double row of beautiful bright orange flowers, 3/4-1 1/4 inches long with long protruding stamens. Broad, pleated leaves in a flattish fan. Ht. 28-36 inches. AGM. 6  $ 3.95 
CROCOSMIA 'Babylon' 8/10cm image(large flowered) Inflorescence not branched, straight, bearing numerous flowers, red with dark center. All Crocosmia are good cutflowers, the addition of plain sugar to the vase greatly improves their performance. Ht. 36-40 inches.  6  $ 4.45 
CROCOSMIA 'Carmine Brilliant' (Carmine) 6/+cm image(small flowered) Large, clear orange-red flowers. 15  $ 8.45 
CROCOSMIA 'Emberglow' 8/+cm image(large flowered) Arching panicles with orange-brown flowers, upwards-facing. Throat lemon-yellow, with edge of brown spots. Tall clone. 15  $ 7.95 
CROCOSMIA 'Emily McKenzie' 6/+cm image(large flowered) Inflorescence a panicle of spikes, ht. up to 3 1/2 feet. Flowers large, orpiment-orange, with chrysanthemum-red blotch. 15  $ 8.45 
CROCOSMIA 'Fire King' 6/+cm image(small flowered) Flowers red, small. Ht. 24-28 inches. 15  $ 5.95 
CROCOSMIA 'George Davison' 6/+cm image(small flowered) Flowers entirely yellow, small. Ht. 24 inches. 15  $ 7.95 
CROCOSMIA 'John Boots' 6/7cm image(large flowered) Flowers pale orange-yellow, late. Compact. 6  $ 5.45 
CROCOSMIA 'Lucifer' 10/+cm image(large flowered) Flowers large, tomato-red, exterior paler colored. Stem dark bronze-green, resembling C. paniculata (Klatt) Goldbl., which was used in raising it. Ht. 32-48 inches. AGM.  6  $ 3.95 
CROCOSMIA 'Meteore' 6/8cm image(small flowered) Flowers small, yellow with orange-red. 15  $ 5.95 
CROCOSMIA 'Mistral' 8/+cm image(large flowered) It has deep pelargonium-red flowers, grows 'approx. 12 inches taller than C. masonorum and flowers more freely.  15  $ 7.95 
CROCOSMIA 'Red King' 6/+cm image(small flowered) Red w/orange yellow center. Small flowered. 15  $ 6.95 
CROCOSMIA 'Voyager' 6/+cm image(large flowered) Large yellow flowers. 6  $ 4.95 
CROCOSMIA Mixture (large flowered) 6/+cm (large flowered) Mix of large flowered montbretias.  15  $ 7.95 
CROCOSMIA Mixture (small flowered) 6/+cm (small flowered) Mix of small flowered montbretias.  15  $ 6.45 
CURCUMA - (Zingiberaceae) Siam Tulip. Herbaceous perennial. Zone(s) 8-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CURCUMA alismatifolia FS imageBluish pink. 1  $ 6.45 
CURCUMA zedoaria 'Pink Wonder' FS imageLarge pink. 1  $ 6.45 
CURCUMA zedoaria 'White Wonder' FS White.  1  $ 5.45 

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