10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
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2007 Spring Flower Bulbs
Special Order

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When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

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= Gallery View. Clicking on this symbol in the descriptions will open a Gallery thumbnail view of the described product. This view is of all items in the gallery, some of which may not be for sale. If the feature does not function properly in your browser, please visit the Gallery and enter the appropriate search term to view available images.

FS = At least flowering size.
cm = Centimeters in circumference; flowering size.
AGM = Award of Garden Merit, Royal Horticultural Society

BESSERA - (Alliaceae) Coral Drops. Zone 9-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
BESSERA elegans 5/6cm imageVery elegant drooping orange-red flowers, with a white staminal tube. Protruding pistil and filaments. Many flowers in a loose umbel. Excellent for cutting. Leaves basal, long and narrow. Ht. 16-20 inches. 1  $ 2.95 
BLETILLA - (Orchidaceae) Chinese Ground Orchid. Zone(s) 5-9.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
BLETILLA ochracea FS imageLight yellow, lip lavender to yellow. 1  $ 15.45 
BLETILLA striata FS imagePurple. 1  $ 5.45 
BLETILLA striata 'Alba' FS imageWhite. 1  $ 5.45 
BLETILLA striata 'Albostriata' FS imageWhite. 1  $ 5.95 
BLETILLA szetschuanica FS imageViolet, lip violet with white. 1  $ 21.95 
BLOOMERIA - (Alliaceae) Golden Stars. Zone 9-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
BLOOMERIA crocea var. aurea 4/+cm imageFlowers golden-yellow, on long pedicels. Umbel many-flowered, rounded umbel, 4-6 inches wide. Leaves narrow-linear up to 12 inches long. Ht. 16-24 inches Semi-hardy. 6  $ 4.95 
BOWIEA - (Hyacinthaceae) Climbing Sea Onion. Zone 11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
BOWIEA volubilis (Climbing Sea Onion) FS imageFlowers are glossy yellow on the ends of the many branches and facing all directions. May flower more than once in a season. 1  $ 10.45 
BRAVOA - (Agavaceae) Red Polianthus, Scarlet Twinflower.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
BRAVOA geminifolia FS (syn. Agave duplicata subsp. duplicata) Red or orange flowers.  1  $ 8.95 
BRODIAEA - (Alliaceae) Firecracker Lily, Fool's Onion. Zone 7-8 (5-6 w/mulch in winter).
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
BRODIAEA californica 5/+cm imageUmbel with up to 25 funnel-shaped flowers, each about 1 1/2 inches long, lilac-pink. Ht. 20-24 inches. Tender. 6  $ 6.95 
CALADIUM - (Araceae) Angel Wings, Elephant's Ear. Zone 10-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CALADIUM 'Mrs. Arno Nehrling' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Fannie Munson' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Florida Cardinal' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Freida Hemple' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'John Peed' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Miss Muffett' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Pink Beauty' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Postman Joyner' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Red Flash' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'Rosebud' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALADIUM 'White Christmas' FS imageNo description. 1  $ 5.45 
CALOCHORTUS - (Calochortaceae) Fairy Lantern, Mariposa Lily. Zone 5-9.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CALOCHORTUS luteus 'Golden Orb' 4/+cm imageYellow. 6  $ 4.45 
CALOCHORTUS superbus 4/+cm imageCream-yellow. 6  $ 4.45 
CALOCHORTUS venustus 4/+cm imageWhite. 6  $ 4.45 
CALOCHORTUS 'Cupido' 4/+cm imagePink. 15  $ 6.45 
CALOCHORTUS 'Symphony' 4/+cm imagePink. 6  $ 4.45 
CALOCHORTUS 'Violet Queen' 4/+cm imageViolet-pink. 6  $ 4.45 
CALOCHORTUS mixture 4/+cm No description.  6  $ 4.45 
CALTHA - (Ranunculaceae) Yellow Marsh Marigold. Herbaceous perennial. Zone(s) 3-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
CALTHA palustris barthei FS imageYellow. 1  $ 15.45 

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