10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
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2007 Spring Flower Bulbs
Special Order

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When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

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= Gallery View. Clicking on this symbol in the descriptions will open a Gallery thumbnail view of the described product. This view is of all items in the gallery, some of which may not be for sale. If the feature does not function properly in your browser, please visit the Gallery and enter the appropriate search term to view available images.

FS = At least flowering size.
cm = Centimeters in circumference; flowering size.
AGM = Award of Garden Merit, Royal Horticultural Society

DICHELOSTEMMA - (Alliaceae) Firecracker Flower. Zone 8-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
DICHELOSTEMMA ida-maia 6/+cm imageFlowers in an umbel of up to 12 pendulous flowers on a slender pedicel. The flowers have a 3/4-1 1/4 inches long bright crimson-red angular tube and six bright green, reflexed lobes. These lobes eventually roll right back and become yellowish with age. Leaves linear, basal with a sharp keel. Ht. 20-24 inches. Semi-hardy. 6  $ 4.45 
DRACUNCULUS - (Araceae) Purple Dragon Lily. Zone 10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
DRACUNCULUS vulgaris 15/20cm imageForms tall stems, mottled purplish black, large maroon-purple spathe and a blackish purple spadix. Foliage much divided, green with marbling above. Prefers a sheltered position in the garden, protection from high winds and a good winter cover. Ht. 32-48(60) inches. 1  $ 4.95 
EREMURUS - (Asphodelaceae) Foxtail Lily. Zone 4-8.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
EREMURUS robustus FS imagePink. 1  $ 11.45 
EREMURUS stenophyllus (bungei) FS imageFlowers bright yellow, turning orange then brownish with age. Densely flowered. Leaves linear, to 1/2 inch wide. Ht. 2-4 feet. 1  $ 2.95 
EREMURUS 'Cleopatra' FS imageFlowers spanish-orange, outside with dark red midrib. Anthers orange, buds burnt-orange. Ht. 40-80 inches. 1  $ 4.95 
EREMURUS 'Pinokkio' FS imageFlowers chrome-yellow, anthers nasturtium-orange. Ht. 3-5 feet. 1  $ 5.45 
EREMURUS 'Shelford Hybrids' FS imageFlowers yellow, orange, pink, or cream. Ht. 3-5 feet. 1  $ 4.95 
EREMURUS 'Yellow Giant' FS imageYellow. 1  $ 10.45 
ERYNGIUM - (Apiaceae) Sea Holly. Herbaceous perennial. Zone(s) 5-8.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ERYNGIUM alpinum FS imageMetal blue. 1  $ 3.45 
ERYNGIUM planum FS imageBlue. 6  $ 4.45 
EUCHARIS - (Amaryllidaceae) Madonna Lily. Zone 10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
EUCHARIS amazonica 14/16cm imageNaturally occurring hybrid involving E. amazonica Lind. From gardens. Flowers white, drooping slightly, up to 4 3/4 inches across. Umbel carrying 3-6 flowers, on a stem of 16-20 inches. The inner segments are joined to form a small corona, on its edge three stamens are set. Very fragrant. Leaves with a broadly ovate blade, 8 inches long on stalk up to 10 inches. Dry off in late autumn.  1  $ 4.95 
EUCOMIS  - (Hyacinthaceae) Pineapple Lily. Zone 7-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
EUCOMIS  autumnalis 14/+cm imageFlowers green-white. Leaves green, approx. 20 inches long and 2-4 inch wide, margins undulate. Dwarf growing species, good for pots. Ht. 12-16 inches. Tender. 3  $ 6.95 
EUCOMIS  bicolor 16/+cm imageDense racemes of pale green flowers, each segment with a lilac margin. Leaves with undulate margins. Scape terete, often purplish spotted. Ht. 16-24 inches. Tender. 3  $ 7.45 
EUCOMIS  bicolor 'Alba' 14/+cm imageFlowers pure white. Scape not spotted. 1  $ 5.45 
EUCOMIS  comosa (punctata) 18/+cm imageFlowers greenish-white in a long raceme, with purple-brown on edges of petals. Ovary purple. Leaves lanceolate, glossy, 2-3 inches wide and 24 inches long, channelled, spotted reddish-brown underneath. Scape spotted purple. Ht. 24-28 inches. Tender. 1  $ 6.45 
EUCOMIS  montana FS imageUnique material, ranging in color from creamy white todark purple. Height 50-75 cm. 1  $ 5.95 
EUCOMIS  pole-evansii 24/+cm imageFlowers creamy-white, ovary green. Leaves up to 8 inches wide and 32 inches long. Margins minutely crisped. Scape green. Produces large bulbs. Ht. 20-40 inches. Tender. 1  $ 15.45 
EUCOMIS  vandermerwei FS imageDwarf (15-25cm) plants. Ideal for pots. Purple flowers with prominent yellow stamen. 1  $ 12.95 

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