10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
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2007 Spring Flower Bulbs
Special Order

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When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

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= Gallery View. Clicking on this symbol in the descriptions will open a Gallery thumbnail view of the described product. This view is of all items in the gallery, some of which may not be for sale. If the feature does not function properly in your browser, please visit the Gallery and enter the appropriate search term to view available images.

FS = At least flowering size.
cm = Centimeters in circumference; flowering size.
AGM = Award of Garden Merit, Royal Horticultural Society

EUPHORBIA  - (Euphorbiaceae) Cushion Spurge. Herbaceous perennial. Zone(s) 4-9.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
EUPHORBIA  polychroma FS imageYellow. 6  $ 6.95 
FREESIA  - (Iridaceae) Freesia. Zone 8-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
FREESIA  Double Hybrids 5/6cm imageMixture of double flowered hybrids. 15  $ 6.45 
FREESIA  Single Hybrids 5/6cm imageMixture of single flowered hybrids. 15  $ 5.95 
GALTONIA - (Hyacinthaceae) Summer hyacinth. Zone 8b-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
GALTONIA candicans 16/18cm  imageTall racemes with about 15 pure white, drooping flowers. Length about 1 1/2 inches each, funnel-shaped, fragrant. Leaves 3 to 8, lorate-lanceolate, sub-erect, to 30 inches long. Ht. 40-48 inches. Tender. ***I can still get some 12cm. Contact me, if interested...***  3  $ 7.45 
GALTONIA viridiflora 14/+cm imageFlowers of an unusual pale green, 10-30 in raceme. Leaves glaucous, 4 to 6. Outer leaf with an abrupt blunt tip, erect. Ht. 28-40 inches. Tender. AGM. 3  $ 5.95 
GALTONIA 'Moonbeam' FS imageWhite or white-green. 1  $ 15.45 
GLADIOLUS - (Iridaceae) Corn Lily. Zone (7)8-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
GLADIOLUS callianthus 'Murielae' (Acidanthera) 10/+cm image(syn. Acidanthera murielae Perry) Flowers pure white with purple basal blotch, lobes 3/4-1 1/4 inches, sweetly scented. Stems many flowered, rigid, excellent for cutting. Ht. 28-40 inches. Best stored at 20C or more in winter. AGM.  15  $ 5.45 
GLADIOLUS carneus 8/9cm imageElegant South-African species with 2 or 3 medium sized creamy-white flowers to a stem. Each flower with distinct velvety-purple flake in the center of the 3 lower segments, often surrounding a yellow patch, while the flake continues to the throat of the flower as a thin red line. Ht. 12-16 inches. 6  $ 5.45 
GLADIOLUS colvillei 'Alba' 8/9cm imageFlowers pure white. Ht. 16-20 inches. 6  $ 3.95 
GLADIOLUS italicus 6/+cm image(G. byzantinus misapplied) Spike carrying 5 to 15 flowers, each 3 to 1 1/2 inches long, less wide, purple-pink. Lower lobes with a pink, lanceolate blotch, margined purple. Ht. 16-24 inches.  15  $ 6.45 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Carine' 8/9cm Creamy with red lips.  15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Claudia' 8/9cm Bright red with yellow line.  15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Elvira' 8/9cm imagePink, red lips. 15  $ 8.45 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Halley' 8/9cm Yellow.  15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Impressive' 8/9cm imagePink, red lips. 15  $ 7.45 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Las Vegas' 8/9cm Yellow with red edge.  15  $ 8.45 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Mirella' 8/9cm imageBright red. 15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS nanus Mixed 8/9cm imageNo description. 15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Nathalie' 8/9cm Flowers of rose-pink with a darker claret blotched throat.  15  $ 8.45 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Nymph' 8/9cm imageFlowers whitish pink, marked with cream-colored blotches, which have a china-rose edge. Ht. 16-20 inches. 15  $ 8.45 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Prince Claus' 8/9cm imageFlowers ivory-white, lower segments with heart-shaped blotches, edged tyrian-purple. Ht. 16-20 inches. 15  $ 8.45 
GLADIOLUS nanus 'Warmunda' 8/9cm Pink.  15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS primulinus 'Atom' 8/9cm imageFour to five pendant flowers in a loose spike. Flower tube strongly curved. Upper sepal much overlapping forming a hood over other petals. Flowers bright red with distinct white edge. Leaves strongly ribbed, 12 inches long, 3/4 inch wide. Ht. 16-20 inches. Tender. 15  $ 6.95 
GLADIOLUS ramosus 'Robinetta' 8/9cm imageBright red flowers in mid-summer. 15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS tubergenii 'Charm' 8/9cm imageMagenta-rose. 15  $ 7.95 
GLADIOLUS tubergenii 'Charming Beauty' 8/9cm imageFlowers magenta-rose, blotches broad, green-yellow, fading into violet. Anthers green. Produces several long, thin, rigid flowerstalks with side-shoots. Ht. 30-36 inches. 15  $ 7.95 

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