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ARISAEMA - (Araceae) Cobra Lily. A good web location for viewing images is at The International Aroid Society Web Page. Zone 5-9. |
Genus -Species/Cultivar | | Size | | Description | | Qty/ Pkg | | Price/Package |
ARISAEMA album | | FS | | White spathe and a hairy spadix. | | 1 | | $ | 28.95 | | |
ARISAEMA asperatum |
FS |
Purple. |
1 |
$ |
23.45 |
ARISAEMA barnesii | | FS | | Green with white. | | 1 | | $ | 26.45 | | |
ARISAEMA candidissimum |
FS |
A splendid, hardy Chinese species, which enjoys a sunny position in the garden, and above all likes moisture. A peaty soil suits it best, but it is tolerant. This species is one the latest to vernalise, sometimes the buds will appear as late as July. Spathes pink with longitudional white nerves, sweetly scented. Flowering while the foliage only 'just, emerges. Ht. of foliage 12-16 inches. AGM. |
1 |
$ |
17.95 |
ARISAEMA ciliatum | | FS | | Brownish red, striped white. | | 1 | | $ | 15.45 | | |
ARISAEMA concinnum |
FS |
Strong tall stem with green spathe (sometimes purple), striped by c 5 broad white lines. Spathe appendix long, filiform and projecting forward. Spadix slender, just exceeding the tube, apex thickened and rugose (roughened). Leaf solitary, to 11 oblanceolate leaflets, 6-12 inches long and 3/4 - 2 inches wide. Ht. 16-24 inches. Semi-hardy. |
1 |
$ |
7.45 |
ARISAEMA consanguineum | | FS | | White with green. | | 1 | | $ | 15.45 | | |
ARISAEMA costatum |
FS |
Vigorous plant for moist woodland conditions. Spathe to 6 inches long, reddish-brown striped white. Spadix appendix a long, twisted tail. Leaves 12-18 inches total height, about 12 inches across, with strong ribs underneath (hence the name costatus, ribbed). Forms large flat tubers, resembling those of A.
candidissimum. |
1 |
$ |
7.45 |
ARISAEMA omeiense | | FS | | Green-brownish spathe. Ht 4-8 in. | | 1 | | $ | 21.95 | | |
ARISAEMA fargesii |
FS |
Reddish brown and white. |
1 |
$ |
15.45 |
ARISAEMA flavum | | FS | | Golden yellow. | | 1 | | $ | 15.45 | | |
ARISAEMA galeatum |
FS |
Leaf stalk to 12 inches. Spathe is pale green, lower part purple, striped white. Tube is purple within; peduncle pale green. |
1 |
$ |
7.95 |
ARISAEMA griffithii | | FS | | Spathe very large and decorative. It measures 4-8 inches long and 4-6 inches in width and has the largest inflorescence in the genus. The spathe-limb is strongly incurved over the spadix, deep violet-purple. Its surface with green and white reticulate markings. On both sides lateral lobes, dull violet, reticulated green. Spathe appendix filiform, to 4 inches, purple. Spadix appendix a long filiform tail, often exceeding 20 inches. Leaves 2, tri-foliate. Veins impressed above, margin yellow-green. Ht. 12-24 inches. Tender. | | 1 | | $ | 6.95 | | |
ARISAEMA intermedium |
FS |
Flowers jade-green. Spathe 4-6 inches long, with a short stubby appendix. Spadix forming a long, twisted appendix. This is being drawn out by the expanding leaves and eventually reaches the soil. Leaves 3-fid, with a rugulose surface. Fruits have a pointed apex. Ht. of leaves 12-16 inches. |
1 |
$ |
8.95 |
ARISAEMA jacquemontii | | FS | | Spathe 4-6 inches long with a 3-4 inches upward stretching appendix, bright green with faint white longitudinal lines. The flower is well above the semi-digitate leaves and can seem to be flowering forever, in fact the fruits are formed while the spathe remains unchanged from the outside! It does make larger tubers than other forms of A. jacquemontii. Ht. 24-32 inches. Best overwintered dry and frost-free. | | 1 | | $ | 21.95 | | |
ARISAEMA nepenthoides |
FS |
Causes early arisaema-excitement in April-May when the translucent soft-brown stems appear. The pale brown spathe is projected in the air in a matter of days. The two pedate leaves unfold later. The spathe is three-lobed, the middle lobe curves forward over the spadix like a snake's head. Tender. |
1 |
$ |
7.45 |
ARISAEMA propinquum | | FS | | Deep purple with white stripes. | | 1 | | $ | 12.95 | | |
ARISAEMA rhombiforme |
FS |
Dark brown with white. |
1 |
$ |
15.45 |
ARISAEMA ringens | | FS | | Most distinct in flower and leaf. Spathe appendix strongly arching to form a helmet-shaped blade. Outside color of spathe striped green and white, inside brown. Leaves two, trifoliate, glossy and possessing a particular firm texture. Ht. 8-12 inches. | | 1 | | $ | 24.45 | | |
ARISAEMA saxatile |
FS |
Pure white with long yellow spadix. |
1 |
$ |
21.95 |
ARISAEMA serratum | | FS | | Spathe carried above the leaves, purple with white stripes, 4 inches long. Spadix with slightly swollen tip. Leaves two, pedate, divided into five to eleven leaflets. Stems attractively mottled deep violet and green. Ht. 12-20 inches. | | 1 | | $ | 26.45 | | |
ARISAEMA sikokianum |
FS |
Most striking member of the genus, with a club-shaped, clear white spadix, looking out of a purplish-brown, green striped, hooded spathe. Ht. 10-14 inches. May be difficult to grow. |
1 |
$ |
21.95 |
ARISAEMA speciosum | | FS | | Very distinct species. Both its horizontal, cylindrical tuber and its twisted tail-like spadix appendix give it instant recognition. The filiform spadix appendix can reach up to 20-32 inches long, running over the leaves down to the soil and further along. Spadix dark purple. Spathe 12-18 incheses long, deep red-brown with narrow white lines. Spathe forming a large hood, the blade arching forward. Leaf trifoliate, each leaflet up to 12 inches long. The tuber can reach 6 inches long and 4 inches wide. Ht. 16-24 inches. Semi-hardy. | | 1 | | $ | 4.95 | | |
ARISAEMA speciosum var. magnificum |
FS |
Larger form of A.
speciosum. |
1 |
$ |
9.45 |
ARISAEMA tortuosum | | FS | | (syn. A.
helleborifolium Schott) Flower held well above the leaves. Spathe 3-7 inches long, green, its edges overlapping for half of its length, forming a tube, revealing the brown spadix just below the horizontal hood created by the blade. Leaves mostly two, pedate. Leaflets 5-17, irregularly twisted. Ht. 16-32 inches. Semi-hardy. |
| 1 | | $ | 5.45 | | |
ARISAEMA triphyllum |
FS |
Loves (partial) shade in moist woodland conditions. Spathes green with purple and white longitudional stripes. Foliage tripartite. Height of foliage 8-12 inches. |
1 |
$ |
5.45 |
ARISAEMA thunbergii ssp urashima | | FS | | Spathe reddish-purple, 4 inches long with a thread-like tip. Spadix with very long filiform appendix, 12-20 inches in length. Leaf pedate, divided into up to seventeen slender leaflets. Ht. 8-12 inches. Tender. | | 1 | | $ | 26.45 | | |
ARISAEMA verrucosum var. utile |
FS |
White spathe closely striped in purple. Spadix tip is 3-6 inches long. |
1 |
$ |
6.95 |
ARISAEMA wattii | | FS | | Creamy white with purple markings. 24-32 in. tall. | | 1 | | $ | 23.45 | | |
ARISAEMA yunnanense |
FS |
Green with white. |
1 |
$ |
15.45 |
ARUM - (Araceae) Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Lords and Ladies. Zone 5-10. |
Genus -Species/Cultivar | | Size | | Description | | Qty/ Pkg | | Price/Package |
ARUM dioscoridis | | 10/+ cm | | Spathe heavily spotted deep purple, but spotting not becoming confluent at the base. Leaf-blade sagittate-hastate, deep green. Tuber discoid. Ht. 12-16 inches. A fine set of images of this species is hosted at, A good web location for viewing images at The International Aroid Society Web Page. | | 3 | | $ | 7.45 | | |
ARUM italicum ssp. italicum |
FS |
Spathes creamy-white 4-6 inches long. Leaves hastate (arrow-shaped), deep green, with yellow-green marbling. Forms attractive orange fruits in the autumn. Ht. of leaves 12-20 inches. |
6 |
$ |
5.95 |
ASCLEPIAS - (Asclepiadaceae) Milkweed, Silkweed, Zone 4-10. |
Genus -Species/Cultivar | | Size | | Description | | Qty/ Pkg | | Price/Package |
ASCLEPIAS incarnata 'Cinderella' | | FS | | Rose-pink. | | 3 | | $ | 5.45 | | |
ASCLEPIAS incarnata 'Ice Ballet' |
FS |
White. |
3 |
$ |
5.95 |
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa | | FS | | Flowers numerous in terminal umbels, about 2 inches wide, intense orange, corona lobes incurved. Ht. 16-20 inches. | | 6 | | $ | 5.45 | | |
BABIANA - (Iridaceae) Baboon Flower. Zone 6-10 (6-7 w/mulch in winter). |
Genus -Species/Cultivar | | Size | | Description | | Qty/ Pkg | | Price/Package |
BABIANA stricta | | 5/+cm | | Mixed varieties, mostly blue. | | 6 | | $ | 5.45 | | |
BABIANA 'Blue Gem' |
FS |
Flowers 3/4-1 1/2 inches across, deep blue, with dark flakes. Ht. 12-18 inches. Tender. |
6 |
$ |
5.95 |
BABIANA 'Purple Star' | | 4/+cm | | Large flowered, dark cyclamen-purple with white stripes in the throat. Ht. 10-14 inches. | | 6 | | $ | 5.45 | | |
BABIANA 'Tubergen's Blue' |
4/+cm |
Very large-flowered, reaching 2 inches diameter. Methyl-violet, the inner petals have a white blotch to the base, edged dark purple. Outer petals with a purple blotch. Ht. 10-14 inches. |
6 |
$ |
5.95 |
BABIANA 'Zwanenburg Glory' | | 4/+cm | | Flowers about 1 1/2 inches across, outer perianth segments dark sea lavender-violet. Inner segments dito, but with large white blotches. Ht. 12-16 inches. | | 6 | | $ | 5.45 | | |
BEGONIA - (Begoniaceae) Zone 10. |
Genus -Species/Cultivar | | Size | | Description | | Qty/ Pkg | | Price/Package |
BEGONIA double (8 different colors) | | 5/6 cm | | No description. | | 3 | | $ | 4.45 | | |
BEGONIA Bouton de Rose |
5/6 cm |
No description. |
3 |
$ |
4.45 |
BEGONIA Camelia | | 5/6 cm | | No description. |
| 3 | | $ | 4.45 | | |
BEGONIA Fimbriata (7 diff.colors) |
5/6 cm |
No description. |
3 |
$ |
4.45 |
BEGONIA Marmorata | | 5/6 cm | | No description. | | 3 | | $ | 4.45 | | |
BEGONIA Pendula (7 diff. Colors) |
5/6 cm |
No description. |
3 |
$ |
5.45 |
BEGONIA Pendula Cascade (7 diff. Colors | | 5/6 cm | | No description. | | 3 | | $ | 5.95 | | |
BEGONIA Picotee |
5/6 cm |
No description. |
3 |
$ |
5.95 |
BEGONIA multiflora Flamboyant | | 2.5/5 cm | | No description. | | 1 | | $ | 2.95 | | |
BEGONIA multiflora Le Madelon |
2.5/5 cm |
No description. |
1 |
$ |
4.45 |
BEGONIA multiflora maxima (8 colors) | | 5/+cm | | No description. | | 3 | | $ | 5.45 | | |
BEGONIA multiflora Switzerland |
5/+cm |
No description. |
3 |
$ |
5.95 |
BEGONIA bertini | | 16/18 cm | | No description. | | 1 | | $ | 2.95 | | |
BEGONIA bertini Compacta |
5/+cm |
No description. |
3 |
$ |
5.95 |
BEGONIA Crispa Marginata | | 5/6 cm | | (yellow, edged red). | | 3 | | $ | 6.45 | | |
BEGONIA Crispa Marginata |
5/+ cm |
(white, edged pink). |
3 |
$ |
5.95 |
BEGONIA non-stop type (7 colors) | | 5/+cm | | No description. | | 3 | | $ | 6.95 | | |