10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
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2007 Spring Flower Bulbs
Special Order

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When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

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= Gallery View. Clicking on this symbol in the descriptions will open a Gallery thumbnail view of the described product. This view is of all items in the gallery, some of which may not be for sale. If the feature does not function properly in your browser, please visit the Gallery and enter the appropriate search term to view available images.

FS = At least flowering size.
cm = Centimeters in circumference; flowering size.
AGM = Award of Garden Merit, Royal Horticultural Society

ACHIMENES - (Gesneriaceae) Hot Water Plant, Magic Flower, Mother's Tears, Nut Orchid, Widow's Tears. Having beautiful flowers borne single or in clusters. These have a corolla that is narrow, flaring to a flattened bloom 1-2.5 inches diameter. A fine house plant. Zone(s) (7)8-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ACHIMENES pulcherrima FS imagePurple. 15  $ 6.95 
ACHIMENES 'Blue Sparkles' FS imageWhite with blue. 15  $ 7.95 
ACHIMENES 'Charm' FS imageDark pink. 15  $ 6.95 
ACHIMENES 'Harry Williams' FS imagePurple red. 15  $ 6.95 
ACHIMENES 'Mexicana' FS imageBlue. 15  $ 6.95 
ACHIMENES 'Peach Blossom' FS imageSoft pink. 15  $ 6.95 
ACHIMENES 'Snowprincess' FS imageWhite. 15  $ 7.95 
ACHIMENES 'Tetra Himalayan' FS imageOrange. 6  $ 5.95 
ACHIMENES Mixed FS imageA mixture of colors. 15  $ 5.95 
ACONITUM - (Ranunculaceae) Monk's Hood, Wolfsbane. Zone(s) 5-9.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ACONITUM carmichaelii 'Arendsii' FS imageViolet/blue flower spikes and the glossy deeply veined leaves. 6  $ 5.95 
AGAPANTHUS - (Amaryllidaceae) Lily of the Nile. Zone 8-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
AGAPANTHUS africanus 'Albus' FS image(A. praecox ssp. orientalis 'Albus') White flowered selection of the Common Agapanthus. While the wrong name, A. africanus is still generally used. Flowers up to 100 in wide umbel, white. 1  $ 4.95 
AGAPANTHUS 'Blue Triumphator' FS imageHardy blue african lily. 1  $ 2.95 
AGAPANTHUS 'Donau' FS imageFlowers pale blue w/ dark blue center stripe. 1  $ 3.45 
ALBUCA - (Hyacinthaceae) - Soldier-In-The-Box, Zone 10-11.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ALBUCA nelsonii FS imagePure white. Ht 28 in. 1  $ 5.45 
ALBUCA setosa FS  image(syn. A. baurii) Greenish white. Ht 4 ft.  1  $ 5.45 
ALBUCA shawii 5/+cm imageStems 12-18 inches, densely hairy and sticky. Flowers yellow with green median stripe, pendent, fragrant, late spring to summer. 3  $ 5.95 
ALLIUM - (Alliaceae) - Flowering Garlic, Onions, Society Garlic. Zone 4-10.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
ALLIUM angulosum FS imageSuperficially like A. senescens, but with keeled leaves. Mouse Garlic. Summer flowering purple to white. 8-18 inches. 3  $ 5.95 
ALLIUM carinatum ssp. pulchellum f. album FS imageWhite. 1  $ 3.45 
ALLIUM carinatum ssp. pulchellum FS imagePink. 6  $ 6.95 
ALLIUM cernuum FS imageAn attractive species with lilac-rose umbels, pendant when flowering, later becoming erect as the seeds ripen. Ht. 12-16 inches. AGM. 6  $ 5.95 
ALLIUM komarovianum FS  Rose-purple. Possibly, just a darker version of A. thunbergii.  1  $ 6.45 
ALLIUM macranthum FS imageAttractive loose umbel with 10 to 20 rich plum-purple, bell-shaped flowers, each about 1/2 inch. The hang gracefully from 1-2 inch pedicels. Leaves narrow, channelled, to 18 inches. Ht. 12-16 inches. 1  $ 6.45 
ALLIUM neapolitanum 'Grandiflorum' 4/+cm imageFlowers white, in a loose umbel. Ht. 20-24 inches. 25  $ 5.45 
ALLIUM obliquum FS imagePale yellowish green. 1  $ 5.95 
ALLIUM roseum 4/5cm imagePink. 25  $ 5.45 
ALLIUM saxatile (syn. A. marschallianum) FS imageWhite. 3  $ 5.95 
ALLIUM schubertii 12/+cm imageViolet-pink. 3  $ 7.45 
ALLIUM senescens ssp. montanum FS imageLilac pink. 6  $ 6.45 
ALLIUM sphaerocephalon 5/+cm imageUmbels dense, rather egg-shaped, deep crimson-purple. Foliage cylindrical, hollow. Bulbs quite distinct, having a very shiny, papery tunic. Ht. 28-36 inches. 20  $ 5.95 
ALLIUM thunbergii FS imagePink. 1  $ 4.95 
ALLIUM tuberosum FS imageChinese Chives. From gardens. Flowers white with a dark midvein on the reverse, many in a hemispherical umbel. Leaves several, sheathing the lower part of the stem. Ht. 14-20 inches. 3  $ 4.95 
ALLIUM vineale 'Hair'® 5/+cm imageRed-purple with greenish 'punk hair'. 6  $ 3.95 
ALLIUM victorialis 'Cantabrica' FS imageGreenish yellow. 1  $ 5.95 

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