10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
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2007 Spring Flower Bulbs
Special Order

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When in doubt about bulb adaptability to your region, know your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

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= Gallery View. Clicking on this symbol in the descriptions will open a Gallery thumbnail view of the described product. This view is of all items in the gallery, some of which may not be for sale. If the feature does not function properly in your browser, please visit the Gallery and enter the appropriate search term to view available images.

FS = At least flowering size.
cm = Centimeters in circumference; flowering size.
AGM = Award of Garden Merit, Royal Horticultural Society

LIATRIS  - (Asteraceae) Blazing Star. Zone 4-8.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
LIATRIS  callilepis 8/10cm imagePink. 6  $ 4.45 
LIATRIS  spicata 12/14cm imageFlowers purple, in dense spike 6-16 inches long. Leaves linear-lanceolate, to 16 inches long. Ht. 20-40 inches. 15  $ 7.95 
LIATRIS  spicata 'Floristan' 12/14cm imageFlowers white, to 3 feet. 15  $ 7.95 
LILIUM - (Liliaceae) Lily (Division I) ASIATIC HYBRIDS - Hybrids derived from species such as L. amabile, L. bulbiferum, L. cernuum, L. pumilum etc. Zone 5-10 (3-4, w/mulch in winter).
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
LILIUM 'Apollo' 16/18cm imagePure white, upward facing flowers. 3  $ 5.95 
LILIUM 'Citronella' 16/18cm imageLemon yellow with brown spots. 1  $ 2.95 
LILIUM 'Fata Morgana' 16/18cm imageDouble yellow, no stamen. 3  $ 5.95 
LILIUM 'Grand Cru' 16/18cm imageYellow w/dark orange heart. 3  $ 5.45 
LILIUM 'King Pete' 16/18cm imageCream and orange. 3  $ 7.45 
LILIUM 'Lady Alice' 16/18cm imageApricot orange, tips fading to white. 1  $ 2.95 
LILIUM 'Latvia' 16/18cm imageYellow with dark throat. 3  $ 5.95 
LILIUM 'Lollypop' 16/18cm imageRose-tipped with white center. 3  $ 6.95 
LILIUM 'Monte Negro' 16/18cm imageDeep maroon-red flowers. 3  $ 6.45 
LILIUM 'Red Twinkle' 16/18cm imageVibrant, fiery red petals w/ black dots. 3  $ 7.45 
LILIUM 'Salmon Twinkle' 16/18cm imageSalmon-pink w/golden salmon throat and maroon spots. 3  $ 7.45 
LILIUM 'Sweet Surrender' 16/18cm imageCream white with maroon spots and stamens. 3  $ 7.45 
LILIUM 'White Twinkle' 16/18cm imageWhite petals w/ dark spots. 3  $ 7.45 
LILIUM - (Liliaceae) Lily (Division II) MARTAGON HYBRIDS - Hybrids derived from L. martagon or L. hansonii. Zone 4-8.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
LILIUM marham 'Mrs. R.O. Backhouse' FS imageOne of many hybrids raised by Sarah Elizabeth Backhouse (1857-1921) and her husband Robert Ormston Backhouse (1854-1940). Flowers orange, with a light sprinkling of purple spots. Ht. 4-6 feet. AGM. 1  $ 12.95 
LILIUM - (Liliaceae) Lily (Division V) LONGIFLORUM HYBRIDS - Derived from L. longiflorum and L. formosanum. Zone 6-9.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
LILIUM 'Snow Queen' 16/18cm imageChristmas Lily. Stunning white trumpets and sweet fragrance. 3  $ 7.45 
LILIUM 'White American' 16/18cm imageFragrant white trumpets, flushed yellow toward the center. 3  $ 7.45 
LILIUM - (Liliaceae) Lily (Division VI) TRUMPET HYBRIDS - Hybrid trumpet Lilium and Aurelian hybrids derived from Asiatic species, but excluding those derived from L. auratum and L. speciosum. Zone 3-8.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
LILIUM 'African Queen' 20/24cm imageChinese yellow w/ brown line on outside of inner petals. 1  $ 3.95 
LILIUM 'Golden Splendor' 20/24cm imageYellow and gold with wine stripe outside of each petal. 1  $ 3.95 
LILIUM 'Pink Perfection' 20/24cm imageOrchid purple to pansy violet. 1  $ 3.95 
LILIUM - (Liliaceae) Lily (Division VII) ORIENTAL HYBRIDS - Of Far Eastern species such as L. auratum and Lilium speciosum, including their crosses with L. henryi. Zone 3-8.
Genus -Species/Cultivar  Size  Description  Qty/
LILIUM 'Black Beauty' 16/18cm imageVigorous hybrid between L. speciosum Thunb. f. punctatum Courtois and L. henryi Bak., raised by Leslie Woodriff. Flowers deep pink, segments sharply reflexed. Forms strong tall plants, due to the virus-resistance, owing to L. henryi. Ht. 5-8 feet.  1  $ 4.45 
LILIUM 'Casa Blanca' 16/18cm imagePure white w/red anthers. Blooms to 10 inches across and fragrant. Considered by many to be the best white Oriental. 1  $ 3.45 
LILIUM 'Garden Party' 16/18cm imageYellowish white w/yellow midveins. 1  $ 2.95 
LILIUM 'Mona Lisa' 16/18cm imageInside light red-purple, edged ivory white. 1  $ 2.95 
LILIUM 'Muscadet' 16/18cm imagePure white w/ pink spots and soft pink star. 1  $ 2.95 
LILIUM 'Siberia' 16/18cm imagePure white. 1  $ 2.95 
LILIUM 'Starfighter' 16/18cm imageBold, brassy red w/ white border. 1  $ 2.95 
LILIUM 'Stargazer' 16/18cm imageThe flower is upward-facing, inside crimson with carmine dots, with a prominent pink edge. 3  $ 6.95 

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