Bulbmeister.COM 10846 Hodge Lane
Gravette, AR  72736
Bulbmeister.COM - Flower Bulb Growing Guide
Achimenes grandiflora - Start the rhizomes indoors late winter to early spring in a
peat/sand mix, planted no more than 1/2" below the media surface. Water enough to keep
from drying out, then water more as shoots develop. Grow out of direct sunlight in shady
location. Provide fertilizer regimen once growth becomes active. Bloom will occur in late
Alstroemeria - Plant rhizomes about 6" deep in full sun. Keep moist throughout the
growing season and fertilize regularly. If planting in pots, use at least a 3 gallon.
Amaryllis belladonna - In zones 9-10, may be grown in the ground in a sunny location.
Enrich the planting area with compost planting about 6" apart with top of the bulb about
1-2" deep. Treat like Hippeastrum if growing in pots.
Allium - Generally hardy in zones 4-10, these prefer rich, well drained soils and plenty
of water throughout the growing season. Plant 3-8" deep, depending on bulbs size.
xAmarcrinum - Treat like Crinum.
xAmarygia - Treat like Crinum.
Anemone - Generally hardy in zones 5-10, these don't need to be planted too deeply. In
the colder zones, provide a mulch through the winter. Plant in full sun. Anemone blanda
blooms in the spring and A. coronaria blooms in the summer.
Arisaema - Plant tubers 4-6" below the soil line. They prefer an environment of filtered
shade and high organic content. Avoid watering after leaves have died back.
Arum - Hardy in zones 5-10, these prefer rich, moist soils in partial to full shade. Plant
no more than 4" deep. These will grow through the fall and winter, sending up a flower
spathe in the spring. Generally grown for the bright red berries that ripen in the fall.
Babiana stricta - Plant these corms about 2" deep in full sunlight. Blooms in summer.
Can be left in the ground in zones 6 & 7 if well mulched through the winter.
Canna - Plant rhizomes about 4" deep in a sunny, moist, humid location. Prefer long,
warm growing seasons, regularly fertilized and watered. Great potted plants, too.
Cardiocrinum giganteum - Plant in autumn or early spring very shallowly in an area
enriched with compost. Mulch heavily in winter. Blooms in summer.
Clivia - A tender plant, not tolerating freezing, is generally grown as a houseplant. These
like higher nitrogen fertilization and very well drained soils. Keep watered through the
growing season and allow to remain dry through the winter months. The leaves will
remain rich green and work well as a winter time houseplant. Blooming occurs in

Bulbmeister.COM - Flower Bulb Growing Guide
Convallaria - Plant about 2" deep in a shady location. Keep well watered through the
growing season. Benefit from shallow mulching. Grow well in pots, but do not let dry
Crinum - Plant so that the neck is at ground level. Most prefer full sun, watered and
regularly fertilized until bloom. After bloom quit feeding and taper off watering.
Crocus - Generally hardy from zones 3-9, plant these in a well-drained, sunny location,
best planted en masse. Fall crocus need to be planted before mid-October as they will
bloom shortly after.
Crocosmia - Best planted in the spring about 4" deep. Water well during active growth
and mulch heavily in the winter in zones 6-7. Blooms in the summer.
Cyclamen - Plant shallowly in light shade. They prefer a slightly alkaline soil, so liming
may be required. The tuber has one side that is concave. Plant that side facing up. Bloom
in fall.
Cyrtanthus - Treat like Hippeastrum.
Dichelostemma - Plant corms deeply, about 5", and in full sun. Flower in late summer.
Eucomis - Plant about 6" deep in full sun in a well-drained soil, rich in organic matter.
Keep watered during the growing season, tapering off as the end of summer approaches.
If grown in pots, plant 4-5 in a larger container.
Freesia - Plant about 2" deep in full sun and keep moist and fertilized regularly through
the growing season. Can also be grown in pots, but don’t let get too wet or hot.
Fritillaria - Hardy in zones 4-8, these prefer rich, loamy soils. Water well in spring,
avoiding water after May. Some species have a musky odor sometimes described as
"skunky". This does not hinder their popularity with the avid bulb gardener.
Galanthus - Hardy in zones 3-9, these little beauties should be planted en masse in the
lawn or flower bed. Fertilize very lightly or not at all. They prefer richer soils.
Galtonia - Plant just below the soil line in full sun and a well-drained soil. Water
regularly and provide light feeding from first foliage to flower stalk emergence. May take
a season or so to establish as they do not like to be moved.
Gladiolus - Prefer full sun, planted about 2" deep in a well-drained soil, but provided
mulch to keep roots cool. Bloom in summer.

Bulbmeister.COM - Flower Bulb Growing Guide
Habranthus - Bulbs (plants) should be planted at a depth where the "neck" is just under
the soil line. If you feel you live in an environment that might be borderline for plant
hardiness, you can probably get away with placing the bulb at a depth that has the "neck"
about 1" below the soil line. When planting bulbs in groups, place them about 2" apart.
They prefer a well-drained soil and full sunlight. Because most of them bloom in
response to cycles of water deprivation and surplus, they are excellent for inducing bloom
in potted culture, too.
Hemerocallis - Plant just below the soil surface in full sun to light shade. Prefer regular
watering but tolerate dryness. Feed in the spring.
Hippeastrum - Generally only hardy in zones 9-10, exceptional species have been known
to survive zone 7 winters. Most of these should be planted with the "neck" exposed in
well-drained soil in partial shade to full sun. Usually, these are grown as potted bulbs. Let
them become root bound and only water as the media dries. As winter approaches,
withhold water and allow the bulb to go dormant. It may take several weeks for the
foliage to yellow and die. During this time and through the winter store in a dark, cool,
dry location. Return to watering and sunlight in March. To force Christmas blooms, begin
withholding water in August/September, following the same procedures, then begin
watering in a lighted window in November.
Hyacinthus - Hardy in zones 4-9, plant as specimens or in small groups. These are often
planted "en masse" but geometrically in full sun to lightly shaded flower beds with rich
soil. The larges bulbs are very popular for indoor forcing.
Hymenocallis - Most are tender. Plant about 4" deep in a sunny location. If grown in
pots, choose a 2 gallon size and one bulb per pot with the tip breaking the media surface.
Iris - Concerning the miniature hardy Iris, these grow in zones 4-9. Best planted in
groups. These need to be watered well during the growing season. Let the foliage die
back completely.
Ixia - Plant 4-5" deep in well-drained soil exposed to full sunlight. Benefits from wind
Leucocoryne - Plant these small corms deeply, about 3-4" in the spring in full sunlight.
May also be grown well in pots. Not hardy at all, so have to be lifted in the fall and stored
in a cool, dry location.
Lilium - Generally hardy in zones 3-8, the lily bulb desiccates easily, so it needs to be
replanted quickly after receipt. Choose a sunny location in well-drained soil. Mulch
heavily to keep the roots cool.

Bulbmeister.COM - Flower Bulb Growing Guide
Lycoris - Hardy in zones 5-9, bulbs (plants) should be planted at a depth where the
"neck" is just under the soil line. If you feel you live in an environment that might be
borderline for plant hardiness, you can probably get away with placing the bulb at a depth
that has the "neck" about 2" below the soil line. When planting bulbs in groups, place
them about 4" apart. Of course, they do great in the flower bed, and most will establish
well in lawns, too, as long as you don't mow down the foliage in growth. You might even
find that they spice up solid beds of English ivy, Asian jasmine, or Liriope.
Muscari - Hardy in zones 3-9, these are great for the lawn and anywhere they can be
planted en masse. They need little fertilization, and, once established will multiply
Narcissus - Generally hardy in zones 3-9, plant them in clumps where they can get full
sun in February through April. It is recommended that you let the foliage die back
completely, but it has been shown that you can cut the foliage 6 weeks after bloom has
Nerine - Plant from just below soil level to 6" deep if growing in an area marginal for
hardiness. Prefer full sunlight in a rich soil. They prefer regular watering and light
feeding during growth. As leaves begin to yellow, do not water anymore.
Nomocharis - Can be difficult to grow, needing a high organic environment, shade and
cool growing conditions. Plant about 3" deep and keep moist through the growing season.
Oxalis - Prefer full sun to light shade planted about 2-3" deep. Keep watered well
through the growing season and will bloom in mid-summer. Popular as a potted plant.
Keep well watered and fertilized.
Ranunculus - Benefit from a short-term soaking of about half a day before planting about
4" deep in a well lit area. Water and fertilize regularly during the growing season. Still,
avoid over watering.
Rhodophiala - Plant about 4" deep in full sun. Avoid fertilization, but provide moderate
moisture during growth.
Scadoxus - Plant with neck at the soil line in a semi-shady location. Keep watered during
the growing season, but allow to dry during dormancy. Will not tolerate freezing
temperatures and best kept above 45°F. Require little fertilization. Avoid disturbing the
bulb once planted.
Sparaxis - Best planted about 4" deep in sunny location protected from wind. Bloom in
late spring.
Sprekelia formosissima - Plant about 4" deep in full sun and very well-drained soil.
These should be dug in the fall in areas that get below 25°F. Also grown as potted plants.
Treat like Hippeastrum.

Bulbmeister.COM - Flower Bulb Growing Guide
Tacca - Prefer hot, humid conditions with excessive watering throughout the year. Keep
out of direct sunlight, but in a bright location. The rootstock should be planted at soil
level high in organic content. Fertilize regularly. Popular as a potted plant.
Tigridia - Prefer to be planted about 3" deep in a well drained sunny to light shade
location. Water sparingly after flowers decline.
Tulipa - Concerning SPECIES tulips, most of these can be treated like perennials, not
having to bother with annual replanting. Generally, hardy in zones 3-8, allow them full
sunshine and let the foliage die back completely in late spring.
Urginea - Plant about 1-2" deep in full sun. Begin providing moisture when the flower
stem emerges until the leaves die back. Avoid locations where frost occurs.
Zantedeschia - Prefer light shade, planted 4" deep in soil of high organic content. Water
well and feed regularly. Most are tender and must be dug and stored for the winter. Very
popular as a potted plant.
Zephyranthes - Refer to Habranthus.